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哭泣杀神1 杀手肖像

状态: 已完结
主演: 中尾隆圣 乡里大辅 佐藤正治 八名信夫 冬马由美 古川登志夫 土师孝也 堀之纪 宫内幸平 屋良有作 山口健 平野正人 户谷公次 津田延代 片石千春 田中和实 田中康郎 胜生真沙子
类型:动漫 日本动漫
导演: 西尾大介
剧情简介:Emu Hino, a 29-year-old virgin, witnesses a mob hit and fears that the killer will now find her and kill her. Indeed, he sets out to do so; he's Yo Hinomura, a talented potter and artist who's been conscripted against his will to be the prime hitman for the 108 Dragons, a gang within the Chinese Mafia, who are determined to push aside Tokyo's local crime lords. He breaks into her house, and she asks that he make love to her before he kills her; she connects to his inner self, and he becomes her protector. Now he must defend her against the local crime gang, who have connections with corrupt Tokyo police. Will Yo and Emu make it out alive, and will the 108 Dragons triumph
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